Kitaya lab

What's OperantHouse?

OperantHouse is a homecage-based Operant conditioning chamber which can perform a variety of tasks for mice with touch-screen and retractable levers (It's also available as a conventional, non-homecage Operant chamber). Each unit costs only around $500 because this can be built up with 3D-printed parts and cheap electronics. It is designed not to require specialized knowledge of manufacturing and electronics so average neurobiologis can build it with minimum effort.

This website explains how to produce this device from tool preparation to assembling and handling of the device and equipment of user custom task.

From the left is Touch screen version, Operation monitor version, Retractable lever version, IR sensor bar version.

What can do with OperantHouse?

OperantHouse has replaceable touch-screen mask and retractable lever to cover a variety of Operant conditioning tasks.

OperantHouse equippes the following tasks as default but it also support user-defined task.

Spatial discrimination (spatial memory)
Visual discrimination (visual memory)
Patern separation
Go-Nogo test
Habitual behavior (perseveration)
Probabilistic reversal spatial learning (perseveration(
Delayed alteration (working memory)
DMTP/DNMTP (working memory)
5CSRTT (attention)
Lever conditioning (learning)


2023.03.31 Program and parts data package are updated.