User-defined task #2
Find the codes of task 90 by searching for “def Task90()” in the OperantHouse program.
def Task90(): # Test task
global Phase
Phase0_Init = 0
Phase1_Init = 0
Phase2_Init = 0
while EndFlag == 0:
OperantHouseUpdate() # Run house keeping function (This must be executed once per frame)
if GetBackButtonStat()==1: # If "Back" button is clicked
break # Back to the task select phase
if Phase == 0: # Parameter inputs
if Phase0_Init == 0: # Make GUI for the setting of the parameters for this task
RemoveMainRightWidget() # Remove task buttons
PutStartBackButton() # Put "start" and "back" buttons
ColumnWidth = 14 # Width of input columns
mMaxCorrectNum = ttk.Label(MainWindowRightFrame, text='MaxCorrectNum', width=ColumnWidth).grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=W) # Put label
MaxCorrectNumVar = IntVar(MainWindowRoot) # Declare a variable for input column
iMaxCorrectNum = ttk.Entry(MainWindowRightFrame, textvariable=MaxCorrectNumVar, width=ColumnWidth).grid(row=1, column=0) # Create inputcolumn and link it with the variable
mTimeLimit = ttk.Label(MainWindowRightFrame, text='TimeLimit(min)', width=ColumnWidth).grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=W)
TimeLimitVar = IntVar(MainWindowRoot)
iTimeLimit = ttk.Entry(MainWindowRightFrame, textvariable=TimeLimitVar, width=ColumnWidth).grid(row=1, column=1)
mLickDur = ttk.Label(MainWindowRightFrame, text='LickDur(s)', width=ColumnWidth).grid(row=0, column=2, sticky=W)
LickDurVar = IntVar(MainWindowRoot)
iLickDur = ttk.Entry(MainWindowRightFrame, textvariable=LickDurVar, width=ColumnWidth).grid(row=1, column=2)
Str = "ParametersForTask" + str(GetTaskID())
if os.path.exists(Str + '/MaxCorrectNum.dat') == True: # If save file named "MaxCorrectNum.dat" exist:
with open(Str + '/MaxCorrectNum.dat', 'rb') as PickleInst[GetTaskID()]:
MaxCorrectNumVar.set(pickle.load(PickleInst[GetTaskID()])) # Assign loaded data into the variable of this program
else: # If save file doesn't exist
MaxCorrectNumVar.set(80) # Assign 80 into the variable
if os.path.exists(Str + '/TimeLimit.dat') == True:
with open(Str + '/TimeLimit.dat', 'rb') as PickleInst[GetTaskID()]:
if os.path.exists(Str + '/LickDur.dat') == True:
with open(Str + '/LickDur.dat', 'rb') as PickleInst[GetTaskID()]:
PutRoiGui(0, 1, 1, 0) # Put setting GUI of the indicated ROI on ROI window (ROI number, Detection mode, Threshold direction, ShowSymbol or not)
PutRoiGui(19, 0, 0, 1)
RemoveAllDigitalOutGui() # Remove all GUIs on the Digital out window
PutDigitalOutGui(10) # Put the digital output GUI for channel 10 on Digital ouput window
RemoveAllServoGui() # Remove all GUI on the Servo GUI
PutServoGui(3) # Put a servo GUI for channel 3 on the Servo GUI
Phase0_Init = 1 # Set a flag which indicating phase0 initialization has done
if GetSaveTrgStat() == 1: # If save trigger is activated
# Parameters will be saved into a folder named "ParametersForTask90"
Str="ParametersForTask"+str(GetTaskID()) # Assign save folder path
if os.path.exists(Str) == False: # If save folder doesn't exist
os.mkdir(Str) # Create the folder
with open(Str+'/MaxCorrectNum.dat', 'wb') as PickleInst[GetTaskID()]:
pickle.dump(MaxCorrectNumVar.get(),PickleInst[GetTaskID()]) # Save a value of "MaxCorrectNumVar" as "MaxCorrectNum.dat" file
with open(Str+'/TimeLimit.dat', 'wb') as PickleInst[GetTaskID()]:
with open(Str+'/LickDur.dat', 'wb') as PickleInst[GetTaskID()]:
pickle.dump(LickDurVar.get(), PickleInst[GetTaskID()])
if Phase == 1: # Waiting phase (Task will start when the set time arrives)
if Phase1_Init == 0: # If the initialization for phase1 has not done
PutPreTaskButton() # Put "StartNow" and "Back" button on Main window
mStatusVar = StringVar(MainWindowRoot) # Create a variable for status display
mStatus = ttk.Label(MainWindowRightFrame, textvariable=mStatusVar) # Create label object and link it with Main window, y=0) # Place label object on the Main window
mOngoingResultVar = StringVar(MainWindowRoot) # Create a variable for progress display
Phase1_Init = 1 # Flat that phase1 has done
mStatusVar.set('Test task (' + str(GetTaskID()) + ') Waiting...') # Show current status of the Operant House
if IsStartTime() == 1: # Check whether task start time arrives
StartNow() # Start task (Phase number will be "2")
if Phase == 2: # If it is during task
if Phase2_Init == 0: # Initialization of the task
PutEndTaskNowButton() # Put "TaskEnd" button on Main window
mStatusVar.set('Test task (' + str(GetTaskID()) + ') Start time ' + str(TaskStartedMonth) + '/' + str(TaskStartedDay) + ' ' + str(TaskStartedHour)+ ':' + str(TaskStartedMinute) + ' Running') # Assign latest information about current task into "mStatusVar"
mOngoingResult = ttk.Label(MainWindowRightFrame, textvariable=mOngoingResultVar), y=18)
# Assign task parameter values in StringVars into integer or string variable (to make the cord easeir to read)
MaxCorrectNum=int(MaxCorrectNumVar.get()) # Get the value of "MaxCorrectNumVar" and convert it from string to integer and assign intovariable named "MaxCorrectNum"
TimeLimit = int(TimeLimitVar.get())
LickDur = int(LickDurVar.get())
# Declar local variables for this task
CorrectNum = 0
TaskDur = 0 # This will keep the elapsed time during of task
NowDrinking = 0
StartRecording() # Start camera capture / TTL signal output
StartLickRecording() # Start an entry of lick log
LightCycleControlOff() # Deactivate automatic Light/Dark cycle illumination
RoofLightOff() # Turn off the lights on roof (Digital output Ch13)
InfraredLightOn() # Turn on the infrared LED illumination (Digital output Ch12)
DigitalOutOn(10) # Turn on cue LED connected to Ch10
ServoPosInside(3) # Change the angle of water arm servo connected to Ch3 to inside position
CreateNormalPanel(0) # Create a white-filled square panel as panel #0
Writer_TouchEventTxt = open(Path + "/" + str(TimeNow.year) + "_" + str(TimeNow.month) + "_" + str( + " " + str(TimeNow.hour) + "h" + str(TimeNow.minute) + "m Task" + str(GetTaskID()) + " Touch.txt", 'w') # Initialize the text exporter for a result file
Writer_TouchEventTxt.write('TrialNum\tResult\t\t\tyyyy/mm/dd\th:m\ts\n') # Write item name on the result file
Writer_TouchEventCsv = open(Path + "/" + str(TimeNow.year) + "_" + str(TimeNow.month) + "_" + str( + " " + str(TimeNow.hour) + "h" + str(TimeNow.minute) + "m Task" + str(GetTaskID()) + " Touch.csv", 'w')
print("Task #" + str(GetTaskID()) + " is started at " + str(GetTaskStartedMonth()) + '/' + str(GetTaskStartedDay()) + ' ' + str(GetTaskStartedHour()) + ':' + str(GetTaskStartedMinute()) + ':' + str(GetTaskStartedSecond())) # Enter the start time in the console window of Pycharm
Timer_Start(5) # Start a timer #5 to measure the duration of the task
Phase2 = 2 # Start task from the reward phase
Phase2_Init = 1 # Flag indicating that initialization of Phase2 has done
if Phase2 == 0: # Initiation of new trial
TaskDur = Timer_GetSec(5)
ShowPanel(0) # Display panel #0
Phase2 = 1
if Phase2 == 1: # Panel presentation
TouchedPanelID = DetectRoiNosepoke() # Examine which panel is touched (return panel ID. If none of the panels touched, return -1)
if TouchedPanelID == 0: # If mouse touches the panel
ServoPosInside(3) # Move the water nozzle into inside position
DigitalOutOn(10) # Onset cue light
NowDrinking = 0
CorrectNum += 1 # Increase the number of correct response
mOngoingResultVar.set('CorrectNum:' + str(CorrectNum))
Writer_TouchEventTxt.write(str(CorrectNum)+'\tPanelTouched(Correct)\t'+ str(TimeNow.year)+"/"+str(TimeNow.month)+"/"+str("\t"+str(TimeNow.hour)+":"+str(TimeNow.minute)+"\t"+str(TimeNow.second)+"."+str(TimeNow.microsecond//1000)+"\n") # Write the response on thetext file
Writer_TouchEventCsv.write(str(CorrectNum) + ',1,' + str(TimeNow.year) + "," + str(TimeNow.month) + "," + str( + "," + str(TimeNow.hour) + "," + str(TimeNow.minute) + "," + str(TimeNow.second) + "." + str(TimeNow.microsecond//1000)+"\n") # Write the response on the csvfile
Phase2 = 2 # Start reward phase
if Timer_GetSec(5) >= TimeLimit * 60: # If time limit of the task comes
TaskDur = Timer_GetSec(5)
print("Time limit elapsed")
Timer_End(5) # Stop the timer
Phase2 = -1
if Phase2 == 2: # Reward phase
if DetectRoiNosepoke() == 19 and NowDrinking == 0: # If the mouse initiates nose poking
NowDrinking = 1
Timer_Start(0) # Start lick timer
if NowDrinking == 1: # If the nose poke has begun
if Timer_GetSec(0) >= LickDur: # If the nosepoke duration exceeds the lick duration
Timer_End(0) # End timer for measuring lick duration
ServoPosMiddle(3) # Move water nozzle back to the middle position
DigitalOutOff(10) # Turn off the cue LED
NowDrinking = 0
if CorrectNum < MaxCorrectNum: # If the touch number doesn't exceed the maximum number
Phase2 = 0
if CorrectNum >= MaxCorrectNum: # If the touch number exceeds the maximum number
TaskDur = Timer_GetSec(5) # Keep the task time
Phase2 = -1 # Go to the task finalizing phase
if Phase2 == -1 or GetEndTaskNowButtonStat() == 1: # If the flag is set to finish the task
LightCycleControlOn() # Activate automatic light/dark cycle
ServoPosMiddle(3) # Moze servo nozzle into middle position
DeleteAllPanel() # Remove a panel on touch screen
InfraredLightOff() # Turn off the infrared LED
if GetRecordingStat() == 1: # If camera is capturing
SetEndRecordingTimer(60) # Onset a timer to finish video recording after 60 frames (correspond about 2sec) from now
# Add summary of results into the result file
Writer_TouchEventTxt.write('SessionStartTime: ' + str(GetTaskStartedMonth()) + '/' + str(GetTaskStartedDay()) + ' ' + str(GetTaskStartedHour()) +':' + str(GetTaskStartedMinute()) + ':' + str(GetTaskStartedSecond()) + "\n")
Writer_TouchEventTxt.write('SessionEndTime: ' + str(TimeNow.month) + '/' + str( + ' ' + str(TimeNow.hour) + ':' + str(TimeNow.minute) + ':' + str(TimeNow.second + (TimeNow.microsecond // 1000) / 1000) + "\n")
Writer_TouchEventTxt.write('TaskDuration(sec): ' + str(TaskDur) + "\n")
# Add experimental conditions into the result file
Writer_TouchEventTxt.write('MaxCorrectNum: '+str(MaxCorrectNum)+"\n")
Writer_TouchEventTxt.write('TimeLimit: ' + str(TimeLimit) + "\n")
Writer_TouchEventTxt.write('LickDur: ' + str(LickDur)+"\n")
Writer_TouchEventTxt.write('RecordFPS: ' + str(GetRecordFps()) + "\n") # Recorded frame number per second
Writer_TouchEventTxt.write(GetRoiSensitivity() + "\n") # Settings of each ROI
Writer_TouchEventTxt.write(GetServoAngle() + "\n") # Set angles of each servo
Writer_TouchEventTxt.close() # Close the text exporter for the result file
EndLickRecording() # End lick log recording
SendMail(DeviceNameVar.get()+' finished task '+str(GetTaskID())+'. Correct:'+str(CorrectNum)+' Dur:'+str(round(Timer_GetSec(5) / 60,1))+' min','The task is finished.') # Send a email (correct number and task duration are added to email title)
Phase = 1 # Go back to the task-waiting phase
Phase2 = 0
Phase2_Init = 0
SetDispVariable(0, 'Phase2', str(Phase2)) # Display "Phase2" value on the bottom of main window
When the task button in the main window is clicked, the task 90 code is called as a function and it starts the loop from line 6 as while syntax.
while EndFlag == 0:
Therefore, the code below line 6 will be a main loop of this program after choosing the task. However, this loop doesn’t contain commands to control basic functions of OperantHouse such as the camera, Arduino, GUI and timers.
To execute these functions, the following function is executed. This function must be executed once per frame.
OperantHouseUpdate() # Run house keeping function (This must be executed once per frame)
The next code is to exit the loop and return to the task select phase when the “Back” button on the left side of the main window is clicked.
if GetBackButtonStat()==1: # If "Back" button is clicked
break # Back to the task select phase
During the task selection, the program loop at the following code located at the end of this program.
while EndFlag<=4: # Main roop of non-task period 3
if OHCnt==30: # If it takes a while after running (Serial connection doesn't establish at the 1st frame)
RoofLightOn() #Turn on roof illumination
InfraredLightOn() # Turn on IR illumination
ServoPosMiddle(3) # Move water nozzle to the intermediate position
if ButtonAWS_On==1: # If button activated AWS is turned on
if AWS_Stat==1:
IsWaterCueBlink = 0
if EndFlag==3: # If LEDs are turned off and water nozzle move to neutral position, turn off the switch of servo
Angle = 127 # Means make servo is turned off (ValueRange=0-127(0-180 degree))
ServoOutputBook = 1
Now let's move on. This task comprises 3 phases. In phase 0, it shows task parameters setting. In phase 1, it waits until the task starts. In phase 2, it performs the task. The Phase is a global variable and its value is manipulated by clicking the buttons on the main window.
In the next chapter, I’ll explain the code in phase 0 which is executed after clicking the task button.