Operant Houseのコードを検索機能を使って"def Task90()"を検索してください。
def Task90(): # Test task
global Phase
Phase0_Init = 0
Phase1_Init = 0
Phase2_Init = 0
while EndFlag == 0:
OperantHouseUpdate() # Run house keeping function (This must be executed once per frame)
if GetBackButtonStat()==1: # If "Back" button is clicked
break # Back to the task select phase
if Phase == 0: # Parameter inputs
if Phase0_Init == 0: # Make GUI for the setting of the parameters for this task
RemoveMainRightWidget() # Remove task buttons
PutStartBackButton() # Put "start" and "back" buttons
ColumnWidth = 14 # Width of input columns
mMaxCorrectNum = ttk.Label(MainWindowRightFrame, text='MaxCorrectNum', width=ColumnWidth).grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=W) # Put label
MaxCorrectNumVar = IntVar(MainWindowRoot) # Declare a variable for input column
iMaxCorrectNum = ttk.Entry(MainWindowRightFrame, textvariable=MaxCorrectNumVar, width=ColumnWidth).grid(row=1,column=0) # Create input column and link it with the variable
mTimeLimit = ttk.Label(MainWindowRightFrame, text='TimeLimit(min)', width=ColumnWidth).grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=W)
TimeLimitVar = IntVar(MainWindowRoot)
iTimeLimit = ttk.Entry(MainWindowRightFrame, textvariable=TimeLimitVar, width=ColumnWidth).grid(row=1, column=1)
mLickDur = ttk.Label(MainWindowRightFrame, text='LickDur(s)', width=ColumnWidth).grid(row=0, column=2, sticky=W)
LickDurVar = IntVar(MainWindowRoot)
iLickDur = ttk.Entry(MainWindowRightFrame, textvariable=LickDurVar, width=ColumnWidth).grid(row=1, column=2)
Str = "ParametersForTask" + str(GetTaskID())
if os.path.exists(Str + '/MaxCorrectNum.dat') == True: # If save file named "MaxCorrectNum.dat" exist:
with open(Str + '/MaxCorrectNum.dat', 'rb') as PickleInst[GetTaskID()]:
MaxCorrectNumVar.set(pickle.load(PickleInst[GetTaskID()])) # Substitute loaded data into the variable of thisprogram
else: # If save file doesn't exist
MaxCorrectNumVar.set(80) # Substitute 80 into the variable
if os.path.exists(Str + '/TimeLimit.dat') == True:
with open(Str + '/TimeLimit.dat', 'rb') as PickleInst[GetTaskID()]:
if os.path.exists(Str + '/LickDur.dat') == True:
with open(Str + '/LickDur.dat', 'rb') as PickleInst[GetTaskID()]:
PutRoiGui(0, 1, 1, 0) # Put setting GUI of the indicated ROI on ROI window (ROI number, Detection mode, Thresholddirection, ShowSymbol or not)
PutRoiGui(19, 0, 0, 1)
RemoveAllDigitalOutGui() # Remove all GUIs on the Digital out window
PutDigitalOutGui(10) # Put the digital output GUI for channel 10 on Digital ouput window
RemoveAllServoGui() # Remove all GUI on the Servo GUI
PutServoGui(3) # Put a servo GUI for channel 3 on the Servo GUI
Phase0_Init = 1 # Set a flag which indicating phase0 initialization has done
if GetSaveTrgStat() == 1: # If save trigger is activated
# Parameters will be saved into a folder named "ParametersForTask90"
Str="ParametersForTask"+str(GetTaskID()) # Substitute save folder path
if os.path.exists(Str) == False: # If save folder doesn't exist
os.mkdir(Str) # Create the folder
with open(Str+'/MaxCorrectNum.dat', 'wb') as PickleInst[GetTaskID()]:
pickle.dump(MaxCorrectNumVar.get(),PickleInst[GetTaskID()]) # Save a value of "MaxCorrectNumVar" as "MaxCorrectNum.dat" file
with open(Str+'/TimeLimit.dat', 'wb') as PickleInst[GetTaskID()]:
with open(Str+'/LickDur.dat', 'wb') as PickleInst[GetTaskID()]:
pickle.dump(LickDurVar.get(), PickleInst[GetTaskID()])
if Phase == 1: # Waiting phase (Task will start when the set time arrives)
if Phase1_Init == 0: # If the initialization for phase1 has not done
PutPreTaskButton() # Put "StartNow" and "Back" button on Main window
mStatusVar = StringVar(MainWindowRoot) # Create a variable for status display
mStatus = ttk.Label(MainWindowRightFrame, textvariable=mStatusVar) # Create label object and link it with Mainwindow
mStatus.place(x=10, y=0) # Place label object on the Main window
mOngoingResultVar = StringVar(MainWindowRoot) # Create a variable for progress display
Phase1_Init = 1 # Flat that phase1 has done
mStatusVar.set('Test task (' + str(GetTaskID()) + ') Waiting...') # Show current status of the Operant House
if IsStartTime() == 1: # Check whether task start time arrives
StartNow() # Start task (Phase number will be "2")
if Phase == 2: # If it is during task
if Phase2_Init == 0: # Initialization of the task
PutEndTaskNowButton() # Put "TaskEnd" button on Main window
mStatusVar.set('Test task (' + str(GetTaskID()) + ') Start time ' + str(TaskStartedMonth) + '/' + str(TaskStartedDay)+ ' ' + str(TaskStartedHour) + ':' + str(TaskStartedMinute) + ' Running') # Substitute latest information about current task into"mStatusVar"
mOngoingResult = ttk.Label(MainWindowRightFrame, textvariable=mOngoingResultVar)
mOngoingResult.place(x=10, y=18)
# Substitute task parameter values in StringVars into integer or string variable (to make the cord easeir to read)
MaxCorrectNum=int(MaxCorrectNumVar.get()) # Get the value of "MaxCorrectNumVar" and convert it from string tointeger and substitute into variable named "MaxCorrectNum"
TimeLimit = int(TimeLimitVar.get())
LickDur = int(LickDurVar.get())
# Declar local variables for this task
CorrectNum = 0
TaskDur = 0 # This will keep the elapsed time during of task
NowDrinking = 0
StartRecording() # Start camera capture / TTL signal output
StartLickRecording() # Start an entry of lick log
LightCycleControlOff() # Deactivate automatic Light/Dark cycle illumination
RoofLightOff() # Turn off the lights on roof (Digital output Ch13)
InfraredLightOn() # Turn on the infrared LED illumination (Digital output Ch12)
DigitalOutOn(10) # Turn on cue LED connected to Ch10
ServoPosInside(3) # Change the angle of water arm servo connected to Ch3 to inside position
CreateNormalPanel(0) # Create a white-filled square panel as panel #0
Writer_TouchEventTxt = open(Path + "/" + str(TimeNow.year) + "_" + str(TimeNow.month) + "_" + str(TimeNow.day) +" " + str(TimeNow.hour) + "h" + str(TimeNow.minute) + "m Task" + str(GetTaskID()) + " Touch.txt", 'w') # Initialize the textexporter for a result file
Writer_TouchEventTxt.write('TrialNum\tResult\t\t\tyyyy/mm/dd\th:m\ts\n') # Write item name on the result file
Writer_TouchEventCsv = open(Path + "/" + str(TimeNow.year) + "_" + str(TimeNow.month) + "_" + str(TimeNow.day) +" " + str(TimeNow.hour) + "h" + str(TimeNow.minute) + "m Task" + str(GetTaskID()) + " Touch.csv", 'w')
print("Task #" + str(GetTaskID()) + " is started at " + str(GetTaskStartedMonth()) + '/' + str(GetTaskStartedDay()) + ' '+ str(GetTaskStartedHour()) + ':' + str(GetTaskStartedMinute()) + ':' + str(GetTaskStartedSecond())) # Enter the start time in theconsole window of Pycharm
Timer_Start(5) # Start a timer #5 to measure the duration of the task
Phase2 = 2 # Start task from the reward phase
Phase2_Init = 1 # Flag indicating that initialization of Phase2 has done
if Phase2 == 0: # Initiation of new trial
TaskDur = Timer_GetSec(5)
ShowPanel(0) # Display panel #0
Phase2 = 1
if Phase2 == 1: # Panel presentation
TouchedPanelID = DetectRoiNosepoke() # Examine which panel is touched (return panel ID. If none of the panelstouched, return -1)
if TouchedPanelID == 0: # If mouse touches the panel
ServoPosInside(3) # Move the water nozzle into inside position
DigitalOutOn(10) # Onset cue light
NowDrinking = 0
CorrectNum += 1 # Increase the number of correct response
mOngoingResultVar.set('CorrectNum:' + str(CorrectNum))
Writer_TouchEventTxt.write(str(CorrectNum)+'\tPanelTouched(Correct)\t'+ str(TimeNow.year)+"/"+str(TimeNow.month)+"/"+str(TimeNow.day)+"\t"+str(TimeNow.hour)+":"+str(TimeNow.minute)+"\t"+str(TimeNow.second)+"."+str(TimeNow.microsecond//1000)+"\n") # Write the response on the text file
Writer_TouchEventCsv.write(str(CorrectNum) + ',1,' + str(TimeNow.year) + "," + str(TimeNow.month) + "," + str(TimeNow.day) + "," + str(TimeNow.hour) + "," + str(TimeNow.minute) + "," + str(TimeNow.second) + "." + str(TimeNow.microsecond//1000)+"\n") # Write the response on the csv file
Phase2 = 2 # Start reward phase
if Timer_GetSec(5) >= TimeLimit * 60: # If time limit of the task comes
TaskDur = Timer_GetSec(5)
print("Time limit elapsed")
Timer_End(5) # Stop the timer
Phase2 = -1
if Phase2 == 2: # Reward phase
if DetectRoiNosepoke() == 19 and NowDrinking == 0: # If the mouse initiates nose poking
NowDrinking = 1
Timer_Start(0) # Start lick timer
if NowDrinking == 1: # If the nose poke has begun
if Timer_GetSec(0) >= LickDur: # If the nosepoke duration exceeds the lick duration
Timer_End(0) # End timer for measuring lick duration
ServoPosMiddle(3) # Move water nozzle back to the middle position
DigitalOutOff(10) # Turn off the cue LED
NowDrinking = 0
if CorrectNum < MaxCorrectNum: # If the touch number doesn't exceed the maximum number
Phase2 = 0
if CorrectNum >= MaxCorrectNum: # If the touch number exceeds the maximum number
TaskDur = Timer_GetSec(5) # Keep the task time
Phase2 = -1 # Go to the task finalizing phase
if Phase2 == -1 or GetEndTaskNowButtonStat() == 1: # If the flag is set to finish the task
LightCycleControlOn() # Activate automatic light/dark cycle
ServoPosMiddle(3) # Moze servo nozzle into middle position
DeleteAllPanel() # Remove a panel on touch screen
InfraredLightOff() # Turn off the infrared LED
if GetRecordingStat() == 1: # If camera is capturing
SetEndRecordingTimer(60) # Onset a timer to finish video recording after 60 frames (correspond about 2sec)from now
# Add summary of results into the result file
Writer_TouchEventTxt.write('SessionStartTime: ' + str(GetTaskStartedMonth()) + '/' + str(GetTaskStartedDay()) + ' ' +str(GetTaskStartedHour()) + ':' + str(GetTaskStartedMinute()) + ':' + str(GetTaskStartedSecond()) + "\n")
Writer_TouchEventTxt.write('SessionEndTime: ' + str(TimeNow.month) + '/' + str(TimeNow.day) + ' ' + str(TimeNow.hour) + ':' + str(TimeNow.minute) + ':' + str(TimeNow.second + (TimeNow.microsecond // 1000) / 1000) + "\n")
Writer_TouchEventTxt.write('TaskDuration(sec): ' + str(TaskDur) + "\n")
# Add experimental conditions into the result file
Writer_TouchEventTxt.write('MaxCorrectNum: '+str(MaxCorrectNum)+"\n")
Writer_TouchEventTxt.write('TimeLimit: ' + str(TimeLimit) + "\n")
Writer_TouchEventTxt.write('LickDur: ' + str(LickDur)+"\n")
Writer_TouchEventTxt.write('RecordFPS: ' + str(GetRecordFps()) + "\n") # Recorded frame number per second
Writer_TouchEventTxt.write(GetRoiSensitivity() + "\n") # Settings of each ROI
Writer_TouchEventTxt.write(GetServoAngle() + "\n") # Set angles of each servo
Writer_TouchEventTxt.close() # Close the text exporter for the result file
EndLickRecording() # End lick log recording
SendMail(DeviceNameVar.get()+' finished task '+str(GetTaskID())+'. Correct:'+str(CorrectNum)+' Dur:'+str(round(Timer_GetSec(5) / 60,1))+' min','The task is finished.') # Send a email (correct number and task duration are added to email title)
Phase = 1 # Go back to the task-waiting phase
Phase2 = 0
Phase2_Init = 0
SetDispVariable(0, 'Phase2', str(Phase2)) # Display "Phase2" value on the bottom of main window
while EndFlag == 0:
OperantHouseUpdate() # Run house keeping function (This must be executed once per frame)
if GetBackButtonStat()==1: # If "Back" button is clicked
break # Back to the task select phase
while EndFlag<=4: # Main roop of non-task period 3
if OHCnt==30: # If it takes a while after running (Serial connection doesn't establish at the 1st frame)
RoofLightOn() #Turn on roof illumination
InfraredLightOn() # Turn on IR illumination
ServoPosMiddle(3) # Move water nozzle to the intermediate position
if ButtonAWS_On==1: # If button activated AWS is turned on
if AWS_Stat==1:
IsWaterCueBlink = 0
if EndFlag==3: # If LEDs are turned off and water nozzle move to neutral position, turn off the switch of servo
Angle = 127 # Means make servo is turned off (ValueRange=0-127(0-180 degree))
ServoOutputBook = 1